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Burke's Automotive on Hunter HawkEye Elite®

"When it was time to upgrade, we knew a Hunter aligner was the way to go."


Peter Burke, Owner of Burke's Automotive in Woburn, MA, talks about their longevity in business and commitment to using Hunter products, specifically the HawkEye Elite® wheel aligner.

My grandfather started this business in the 1940s and I have continued running Burke Automotive Service for about 10 years. Originally, we owned an older Hunter wheel aligner that we really liked. It was easy to use and required very little up-keep or maintenance.

When it was time to upgrade to the latest and greatest model, we knew a Hunter wheel aligner was the way to go. We learned about the HawkEye Elite® from our local Hunter representative and knew that this technological advancement was second to none. In our shop, we constantly receive questions about our HawkEye Elite® and the technology being used to service our customers’ vehicles.

The simplicity and technology of the HawkEye Elite® makes it easy for technicians to use. The screen helps technicians avoid mistakes and makes it easier on them, as well.
Hunter service is unmatched and our Hunter team was a definite part of our decision to invest in Hunter equipment. They are absolute true professionals and know what they are doing. They are really very, very good and have always provided us the support we need.

Peter Burke

Owner, Burke's Automotive Service

burkes automotive hunter engineering customer testimonial
burkes automotive hunter engineering customer testimonial



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Opinie klientów

Nie bez powodu Hunter jest światowym liderem w produkcji sprzętu do serwisu układu jezdnego. Wyjaśniają to wypowiedzi faktycznych użytkowników.

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